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We see               you.

Kami melihatmu.

Kami mendengarmu.

Does someone control:

Does anyone:

  • Where you go and what you do?

  • Your money or valuables?

  • Your phone?

  • Who you can talk to?

  • Your ID or other documents?

  • Force you to perform work or sexual acts for food, shelter, clothing, or love? 

  • Lie to you about the work you have to do? 

  • Take the money you earn or lie about your pay?

  • Threaten to hurt you, your family, or friends?

This is human trafficking.
We can help.

Get Services form

Voluntad will reach out to you by your preferred contact method within 24hours of submission. 

If submitting On a weekend please give us until Monday morning to respond. 

If you are in need of immediate resources during the weekend please contact 


At this time Voluntad has limited financial assistance for housing. However, if you are in a crisis we may be able to help.

Minta Layanan

Permintaan Anda akan dikirim langsung ke Staf Layanan Program kami dan mereka akan menghubungi Anda

Perjanjian: Saya meminta layanan dari Voluntad. Saya memahami bahwa Voluntad akan melindungi privasi saya dan informasi ini.


Administrative & Business Contact Information:

Call: 720-670-9466


Mailing Address:

PO Box 9794 Denver, CO 80209

Connect with us

Tetap berhubungan dengan Voluntad. Mendaftarlah ke buletin bulanan kami untuk mengetahui apa yang sedang kami lakukan dan acara yang akan datang.

Follow us on social media!

  • Facebook
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  • Instagram

Voluntad tidak melakukan diskriminasi berdasarkan ras, etnis, jenis kelamin, orientasi seksual, asal kebangsaan, bahasa, usia, kecacatan, atau keyakinan agama.

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